Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cool Corner

Cool Corner is a Chinese restaurant that everyone always talked about and told us how good it was and so one day we decided to walk down and give it a try!

Liam liked looking out the door at the cars going by but it sure made me nervous!

While we waited for the food Liam and Brant went for a walk.
Just me and my boy!

The food was taking longer than we thought so then I went with Liam to check out the fort. Liam loves being free and being able to run and jump and play! Some local kids came and played with Liam for a while and we got to see the beautiful sunset! :)

Our yummy food! It came out on fancy platters and sizzling hot and was the BEST food we have had since coming here. The chicken was so nice and tender and I was just happy to be out with my family!
They had some great music playing and Liam loved getting up and dancing to the music.

Thank you Cool Corner! I know we will be back! :)

(Sept 2012)

Sick Liam

So my baby got sick. We are not sure what the cause was but Liam was so sick. I think his poor little body just ended up getting too hot from playing too hard in the hot and humid weather. He ended up getting a really high fever over 102 degrees F.  He was having trouble sleeping, throwing up and would just cry a lot. All he would eat were Popsicles and screamed when we would try to give him Tylenol. I was lucky to have good friends help me to know what to do. I had the A/C blowing on him but found out it would just give him the chills. What ended up working for him was a cold wash cloth (that he hated) and just a normal fan blowing on him.  I am just thankful it wasn't dengue fever.
 Liam sleeping on the couch. Even when he heard Remy next door he just stayed there and didnt move. That's when I KNEW he was sick for sure!

We are so lucky to have such good neighbors. Since Liam was sick and couldn't play Remy, the neighbor girl, brought over some silly putty for Liam to play with. He had so much fun playing with it but mostly he loved throwing it on the floor. Thanks Remy!
Not even a week later Liam ended up getting sick again. He wasnt eating dinner so when he started playing the iPad, I started giving him bites and he was eating. Not long after he got sick. Throwing up, diarrhea and fever again. He sat on my lap in the shower gagging and throwing up and diarrhea. And crying every time he had the urge to throw up. It was the saddest thing ever. All he wanted to do was cuddle and I took full advantage of my cuddly little boy.
I think he is a little bit skinnier in these photos from not having any food in his tummy!

I am so thankful that Liam is not sick anymore and for all the love and help people gave us when he was. We are so lucky to have such good friends and family!

(Sept 2012)