Friday, June 14, 2013


Liam loves doing experiments and I am not very good at doing a lot of them with him. So today while Caleb was napping we decided it was high time to try another experiment!
These are all the ingredients you need. I read that 2% or whole milk is best and that dawn dish soap is a good one to try too. Also, I think cottom swabs would work best. 
Pour the milk into your bowl and add your colors. As close to the center and each other without touching. Then dip the popsicle stick/cottom swab in the dish soap and watch waht happens. It is probably best to let it sit for a good 10 seconds. Obviously with us that wasnt the case. Either way its lots of fun and really neat. I think he tried it 3 times after the colors were all mixed into on ebig dark greem mixture!

I was being a little too slow for him and he was about to go ahead and start doing it with his fingers!
At first the colors seemed to start to disappear.
Then they got darker!

Having fun swirling it all around!
It looked pretty neat! And it was fun to doing it a few times to see the different mixtures it made!
The final product! A dark yucky soup!
Then Liam decided to stand up and sit on the table that had the mixture all over it! :) Lovely!

It was lots of fun and I know we will be doing this again!

(Oct 2012)

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