Friday, June 14, 2013

Halloween Crafts

So it has been kinda rainy and cloudy so we thought it would be fun to do a halloween craft. There were 2 that I wanted to to try. First we were going to make a ghost. Liam patiently waited while I got everything ready.
We just cut out a ghost shed looking piece of paper and then started gluing on a bunch of cotton balls! Super easy and fun!
Gluing the eyes on! (we didn't have black construction paper so I ended up using a marker and coloring the white paper black!
Liam is waiting patiently for me to get all the q-tips ready for our next craft!
The next craft however didnt work out so well and I ended up making the whole thing by myself. (I was annoyed that it wasn't working ans was determined to finish it! haha)And it still turned out awful! I saw the craft to make a skeleton and it seemed like it would be fairly easy. Not for us though! The q-tips did not stay glued to the paper very good and it was just mostly a pain in the neck! But we did have fun making our little crafts anyway!

(Oct 2013)

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